Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thanks Allison

Gretchen and I are not the most technically suave people. We are neanderthals in the evolutional progression of computer knowledge. I prefer Flintstone gadgetry over digital. A wire bound notebook over the glowing pixels of the computer screen. Gretch and I love to move our bodies as a whole, bicycling and dance, not just finger tips and eyeballs. I have a hard time sitting still. Never would I have taen the time to put this together.

So once again, this blog (like the Corneater) would never have come to kernel without the help of our talented tech support working out of Minneapolis- the lovely Ms. Allison. Gretchen and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. With full hearts and Indian smiles we will try to justify your time you stole from your boss or family to read this blog.

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