Sunday, February 12, 2012


Darjeeling is in the northern reaches of West Bengal. Balanced 7000 feet high upon a ridge on a Himalayan mountain side. It is tucked between Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim (India) and the plains of West Bengal to the south. Originally Darjeeling was a mountain retreat for the Brittish Raj stationed in sweltering Kolkata. It is still a retreat, but now more for honeymooning Bengalis.

The culture is completely different to the rest of India. The ethnic majority are Gorkhas, who originated in Nepal. The attitude of these people is much more relaxed, I think due to their Buddist faith. There is striking female power of equlity here. A friendlness devoid of curiosity- just friendliness. People smile. They laugh and joke. They want independence. I am not quite sure from India as a whole or just controll and rule from West Bengal and Kolkata. Yesterday there was a parade of thousands shouting, Gorkhaland, Gorkhaland, We Want Gorkhaland!". The Gorkhas have a oriental look to them, as do the many Tibetan refugees living here in Darjeeling.

It is cold here, like early April in Minnesota. There is no heat anywhere, so once we get out of the heat of a cozy bed, the chill sets in. I am having a hard time typing with numb fingers and am quite frustrated continually fixing the mistakes of fingers without the dexterity I amused to.

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