Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Gretch and I found a very special place. A real gem. Words are not coming to me now as I  try to convey the beauty of this place. Simply, we are staying in a family run gustehouse on the top of a mountain overlooking the Parvati Valley. The house is in the middle of an apple orchard. Wheat, onions, marijuana, and peas cover the ground below the apple trees. There are several temples in the village of (I would guess) 12 families. Snow capped mountains dominate the horizon. Cows live in the lower level of the village houses. The houses are made of timber, stone, and mud. They look ancient.

Emotionally distraught. Burnt out. Angry. Sad. Ready to go home. Yesterday had its downs and downs and downs. And finally at the end of the afternoon, its ups. And Ups. And Ups. Parlaying the 2 dollar hotel at the village below where we are now staying, in hopes of something a little less ramshackle and more comfortable, we decided to make the verticle hike up to the village where we now reside. When we finally arrived, joy overtook both of us. All I could say as I scanned the scene of rural mountain paradise was- this is rediculous.

There are three other westerners staying here (I am using a computer down in the village below). A hash smoking hippy German couple. And a Brazilian philosophy student via Chapel Hill North Carolina currently writing his dissertation on the values of luck and morality. All three have been in the village for three plus weeks. We have three days here. Three lucky days. Ahh... I think we are both ready to come home.


along the Parvati river Gretch and I spotted a mountain lady on a steep slope of pine. She was bending, picking and scoping the ground. I became excited. MUSHROOMS! I approched the old woman and greeted her with- Namaste, mushrooms?! She was as excited as me. She handed me a plastic bag. I untied the bag revealing a nice catch of morels. Out of her wool apron she pulled out a bundle ot fiddle head ferns. She was proud to have me take her picture. I took one and left her alone, losing the chance of a great photo shoot.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Huntsman Spider

After a little googling we have confirmed that the large spider lounging on the wall in our bedroom last night was a Huntsman spider. Although harmless, the sight of the hand sized monster put Gretch at unease. I gave her two choices 1. Kill 2. Let live. I was not about to attempt a capture and release, as Gretchen requested.

A stiff jab of my sandal only sent the spider at wicked speed behind a dresser. It was a direct hit with a force that I was sure to kill. Spider juice left a wet spot on the soft foam of the sandal.

My next plan was successful and offed the beast swiftly. As the spider hid between the back of the dresser, on the wall, I made a quick gamble that the dresser and wall would squeeze flush if I lifted and pushed the piece of furniture to the wall. The spider was too big to hide safly. In a quick forceful movemnent I lifted the dresser pushing it hard against the wall. I felt the spider's body crush. We were safe.