After a little googling we have confirmed that the large spider lounging on the wall in our bedroom last night was a Huntsman spider. Although harmless, the sight of the hand sized monster put Gretch at unease. I gave her two choices 1. Kill 2. Let live. I was not about to attempt a capture and release, as Gretchen requested.
A stiff jab of my sandal only sent the spider at wicked speed behind a dresser. It was a direct hit with a force that I was sure to kill. Spider juice left a wet spot on the soft foam of the sandal.
My next plan was successful and offed the beast swiftly. As the spider hid between the back of the dresser, on the wall, I made a quick gamble that the dresser and wall would squeeze flush if I lifted and pushed the piece of furniture to the wall. The spider was too big to hide safly. In a quick forceful movemnent I lifted the dresser pushing it hard against the wall. I felt the spider's body crush. We were safe.
A stiff jab of my sandal only sent the spider at wicked speed behind a dresser. It was a direct hit with a force that I was sure to kill. Spider juice left a wet spot on the soft foam of the sandal.
My next plan was successful and offed the beast swiftly. As the spider hid between the back of the dresser, on the wall, I made a quick gamble that the dresser and wall would squeeze flush if I lifted and pushed the piece of furniture to the wall. The spider was too big to hide safly. In a quick forceful movemnent I lifted the dresser pushing it hard against the wall. I felt the spider's body crush. We were safe.
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