Monday, March 26, 2012


I stomach churns with disgust when people worship people. This doesn't mean we can't have heros, mentors, or a person we look up to for inspiration or guidence- this is necessary for most of us. But to catagorize another person on a higher plane of existence because of their ability in sport, art, politics or supposed divinity exposes the most pitiful submissive weakness of men and women. It is a debasement of one's self.

I had an opportunity to hug Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma) several years ago while I was in Madurai in southern India. I opted out. Amma's spiel is hugging. She is also known as the Hugging Mother. She performs a darshon, which in my understanding could be said to be a blessing, by hugging individuals. Often times these darshons are marathon sessions hours long with thousands waiting in line for a hug and a whisper. Amma also whispers a word or phrase to her devotee. The word or phrase can then be used as a personal mantra- I think.

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