Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kochi Trees

There are beautiful massive trees here in Kochi. For an idea of their structure put your inner forearms, wrists, and elbows together and keep this line perpendicular to the ground. Now shape your hands as if you were holding a fifteen pound bowling ball. This is a basic idea. The hugeness of these trees is hard to fathom. For this take a Mack dielsel semi truck (minus the trailor and stand it on its nose. This is the trunk. The canopy, if left unobstructed, covers an area the size of  an average Best Buy.

The trees reminds me of the black locust that grew in my parent's back yard when I was a child. The leaf structure is very similar and Gretchen and I both could thought the tree would produce a pea like pod at some time during the year. But unlike the tree in the back yard that sprouted fast and had a fairly short life of 30 years, these Kochi trees are hundreds and hundreds of years old. Which brings me to ask if they were planted.

10 gretchenstevetakeindia points to the person who can name this tree.

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